







This week, like most, has been a tough week. I was still pretty sick, so I missed a class which made me feel really awful... not to mention I had three other exams. Nonetheless, I pulled through, finished the week, and now I'm here at home studying (as usual). There is a lot of grammar so I keep on going over Chapter 4 to review the rules and such. I'm kinda stressed about my sakubun, but I think it is residual worrying that is really coming from bio-lab midterm anxiety. Here goes another treacherous week. Cheers.



This past week has been kinda awful for me, simply because I've been pretty ill. I didn't think being sick for Japanese was going to be that much of a problem, but having half a voice and sounding like a man was no good during drill sessions. On top of that, I was really exhausted by the time my classes were over and my night began, so I just felt like sleeping instead of studying. Maybe that explains why my sakubun this chapter was terrible. I'm just thankful I don't have to spend another two hours working on Mallard this week. The exercise where you rearrange the words in the sentence to the correct order literally took me ten trials! I'm still a little sick, and I'm definitely still exhausted. I'm going to try to get some rest this weekend in preparation for Chapter 4.


Taylor san and I were just discussing what makes a good skit. Humor, fluency, grammar materials? This chapter allows us to expand much more than before, so I'm assuming that a lot is expected from the class to deliver a well-prepared skit... And so convenient, I'll be out of town until Tuesday.

Although I was extremely nervous and tense at the idea of the new grammar, I've gotten pretty comfortable with the concepts with each drill session. I see why attendance is important. I hope my immune system does its job, let's hope I don't get sick.

Now it is time for Mallard. This chapter's exercises seem so tedious! Or maybe it's just me...


This past week in Japanese was a good week, even though katakana got the best of me. Drills were engaging, and hangin out with Andreano san was refreshing when we worked on our skit. A new chapter has begun, though, meaning a more intense week than the one before. Grammar and kanji look difficult, especially for me since I've never taken a Japanese course. Nevertheless, it's all very cool and interesting, and I'm sure with more studying and practice I'll get it down.

I need some extra time to study in the next couple of days if I really want to perform well. But there's so much to do already! I'm buckling down for my other classes, friends are coming this weekend, and a road trip to Richmond is scheduled.


Stress is eating me alive.

I think i'm going to go to the Chapter 3 discussion tomorrow, anyone down?

PS: Tatianna I haven't talked to you in forever where are youuuu????



I don't think I appreciated hiragana as much as I do now - katakana is driving me crazy!
For some reason it is taking me much longer to learn katakana than the previous writing system; I'm trying to develop a new strategy for studying.
The hardest part about it, at least for me, is transcribing foreign words. Once I finally feel comfortable with the rules, though, I'm sure it will be A LOT easier for me to write in Japanese.
As for now, I'll continue studying my katakana handout and looking over my notes. May the frustration ensue.



Today was the day I completed my first foreign language exam at UVA. I suppose it would be typical to say that I had an exam in Spanish or French class, but earlier this year I signed up for one of the toughest (or so I heard) language classes at this school - Japanese. I had ambition, though, to learn something new, something unique, something linked to my half-breed Japanese heritage.

I don't regret taking this class, but they were right. It's tough. With any language, though, a certain amount of discipline and perseverance is necessary if one really wants to learn. I've learned more in Japanese 101 within the past two weeks than I did in high school Spanish in two months. I don't mind putting in the work; there is something innately gratifying about truly learning to speak in a different tongue.

I hope to continue with my Japanese throughout the next five semesters I have left at UVA. All I can do now is learn and study, and hopefully by the end of it all I'll be able to semi-master this beautiful language.
