
This week, like most, has been a tough week. I was still pretty sick, so I missed a class which made me feel really awful... not to mention I had three other exams. Nonetheless, I pulled through, finished the week, and now I'm here at home studying (as usual). There is a lot of grammar so I keep on going over Chapter 4 to review the rules and such. I'm kinda stressed about my sakubun, but I think it is residual worrying that is really coming from bio-lab midterm anxiety. Here goes another treacherous week. Cheers.

2 件のコメント:

fake さんのコメント...

I know exactly what your feeling. This and last week are like midterm crazy for me. But oh well...that light at the end of the tunnel is almost visible.

kurisu さんのコメント...

はじいみまして、knox だいがくのがくせえです。日本語のテストとてもむずかしです!わたしはたくさんべんきょします。テストがだいきらいです。わたしもかんじテストがきらいです。にほんごのしゅくだいつねにたくさんむずかしです。そうわかる。よいいちにちを!