

This past week has been kinda awful for me, simply because I've been pretty ill. I didn't think being sick for Japanese was going to be that much of a problem, but having half a voice and sounding like a man was no good during drill sessions. On top of that, I was really exhausted by the time my classes were over and my night began, so I just felt like sleeping instead of studying. Maybe that explains why my sakubun this chapter was terrible. I'm just thankful I don't have to spend another two hours working on Mallard this week. The exercise where you rearrange the words in the sentence to the correct order literally took me ten trials! I'm still a little sick, and I'm definitely still exhausted. I'm going to try to get some rest this weekend in preparation for Chapter 4.

2 件のコメント:

クイエン さんのコメント...

I hope you get well soon. Fight back the sickness!
In all Mallard exercises, I really hate the matching ones. First, we didn't learn the kanji for those yet, and second, it's not helpful at all. All it did was giving a lot of frustration. I hope in next chapter, we won't have those.

本屋 さんのコメント...

Hope you get better soon as well.

As for Mallard, I too find the matching ones difficult. I did all of them except the nouns one. The only way I was able to deal with the Kanji we haven't learned yet was to look at the radicals and guess the meanings. Thankfully, those exercises aren't graded.