

Today was the day I completed my first foreign language exam at UVA. I suppose it would be typical to say that I had an exam in Spanish or French class, but earlier this year I signed up for one of the toughest (or so I heard) language classes at this school - Japanese. I had ambition, though, to learn something new, something unique, something linked to my half-breed Japanese heritage.

I don't regret taking this class, but they were right. It's tough. With any language, though, a certain amount of discipline and perseverance is necessary if one really wants to learn. I've learned more in Japanese 101 within the past two weeks than I did in high school Spanish in two months. I don't mind putting in the work; there is something innately gratifying about truly learning to speak in a different tongue.

I hope to continue with my Japanese throughout the next five semesters I have left at UVA. All I can do now is learn and study, and hopefully by the end of it all I'll be able to semi-master this beautiful language.


1 件のコメント:

Sato さんのコメント...

I am so proud that you decided to stay in this class and are trying hard. Trust me; all of your effort will pay off!

がんばってください!(Good luck/do your best!)